September 8, 2008

Pass the Peas Please!

This evening we decided to be adventurous and try to expand Lilly's palette by offering her peas. She actually did really well until half way through when she started gagging. We took that as "I'm finished". It was a messy experience but I have a feeling that the real mess will be revealed in the morning.....!!

Look at me, I'm a big girl!!

Open wide!

I thought it was in my mouth, where did it go?

All kids gag when they eat peas, right?

Well, maybe it's not quite so bad!!

I'm full!


Unknown said...

Hello there, fellow new(ish) mom here. You're right on, tomorrow you'll get a whole new surprise. Another, related, word of advice, when she starts eating fruitcups... cherries don't really digest. Gross, I know, but consider yourself forwarned!

She's beautiful! Congratulations to you!

Leah said...

A little present for mommy huh! Oh, the joys of motherhood. :)