September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

This last week and weekend has been full of excitement around here. On Thursday Lilly got her second tooth (bottom left). She hasn't been fussy and doesn't seem at all disturbed by the process which has been fantastic. However, with teeth also comes biting. She bit me for the first time on Saturday. I screamed out of surprise and pain and of course that scared Lilly. I think we were both in tears by the time it was said and done!! :)

On Friday, after several attempts, Lilly sat up on her own for the first time. It's fun watching her learn and strategize on exactly how this process works. Mike was playing with her at the time so it was great that he was able to see her too....and not just have to take my word for it as he often has to do!

Mike left on Friday for a 3-day camping trip so Lilly and I had a LOT of bonding time over the holiday weekend. We went for several walks, met up with some friends for lunch and shopping, spent some time in urgent care (on behalf of a worries, everyone is ok), went to church, etc. It's been fun hanging out with this little one and it has helped that she has been a happy baby and is continuing to sleep for 11 hours at night (7 pm - 6:30 am). Here are a few pictures and videos from the last week.

Sitting up for the first time

Going for a walk with mom

The exersaucer is a rather new toy in our home and Lilly really seems to enjoy it. There are seven different toys attached so it keeps her quite entertained.

In my opinion, the"minigym" is the best toy ever. Lilly is finally at the point where she loves playing and chewing on her toys but often she drops them and can't seem to find them. With this apparatus, the toys are attached overhead so she can play with the toys without losing them. Keeps her entertained and keeps me from having to pick up her dropped toy every 2 minutes!!


Leah said...

I love how she smiles at the camera in the video. It made me laugh out loud.

Leah said...

Good job, Lilly! Sitting up is a big girl step. :)

rachel vaughn said...

i love the videos. yea for sitting!

Alisa said...

What a babe. I just love the exersaucer. It is the best invention. Addyson has the same one and she still plays in it and loves it. Way to go Lilly for sitting up!!