March 10, 2010

Two year check-up

This week Lilly had her two-year check up. She seems to be right on track physically, mentally and developmentally. We were most excited to find out that Lilly is continuing to gain weight and for the first time (according to the charts) she is considered average. Here are her stats:
Height: 34" (75th%)
Weight: 27lbs (57th%)
Head: 19" (75th%)
For the most part Lilly is a happy, content and playful child. Here are a few of her current favorite things:
oranges, blueberries, dried cranberries, yogurt covered raisins, applesauce, tortillas, bagels, apple slices, carrots, cookies
pretending with play food, cup and spoon for stirring, anything with buttons, babies, blocks
flashcards, anything outside, coloring/drawing, singing in the car, drinking out of a cup by herself, hide-and-seek with daddy (however she only understands the hiding part and even at that she hides in the same place EVERY time), books (starting to "read" to herself), praying with mommy and daddy
Comfort items:
thumb, blanky, stuffed lion (Toby)
mommy, daddy, MiMi, PaPa, Alea (friend), Syd (director of children's ministry at church)
We are continually amazed at how quickly Lilly is growing and learning. It seems like each day brings a new realization that this little girl is becoming more and more independent as she continues to learn and experience the environment around her.


Leah said...

I love her little voice!

Alisa said...

What a precious little one. I love her.

aleanaomi said...

Can we say brilliant?!?