December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

The Best Gift of All

by: Marcy Richardson

It's Christmas season

and the spirits are high,

Everyone's looking

for the perfect gift to buy.

The hustle and bustle

of getting things done,

Exhausted and tired

from being on the run.

The day of celebration

is here at last,

What were we doing

as the days did pass?

Did we ever take the time

to remember the birth,

Will we ever realize

what it is worth?

Why do we celebrate

by giving gifts to them,

If the true meaning is Christ

shouldn't we give to Him?

But the best gift of all

is not a gift you can give,

But a gift that was given

so that you may live.

There's a gift of

forgiveness, salvation and love,

Packaged as one

and sent from above.

Through his life and death

he's shown the way,

Just take his hand

there’s no time for delay.

He's ready and waiting

despite your sin,

The gift is priceless

if you'll let him in.


Unknown said...

i like your poem! ur baby is rly cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) MERRY CHRISMTAS!!!!

rachel vaughn said...

those pictures of her in her dress are great!

Anonymous said...

Love the poem, great job! My mom also says it was good. :)

Leah said...

You are quite the poet! Hard to believe that Lilly is already 10 mos. She will be a year in no time!