October 21, 2008

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!!

Since Lilly has already mastered the art of picking up larger objects we decided it was time to start working on some smaller things. For the last few weeks we have been putting small pieces of food on her tray to encourage her to use her fine motor skills (thumb and pointer) to pick them up. At first she would just slap at them or bat them off the table. Eventually she would rake them up with her entire hand but didn't understand how to move it toward her mouth. Then out of the blue she figured it out!!! She hasn't mastered the skill by any means but she is starting to understand the process and how it works. It's so fun watching her learn new things and it's amazing to know that God designed us in such a way that we learn to do things progressively at just the right time. It's just a reminder that God does have perfect timing in everything, big or small!

1 comment:

Leah said...

This is so fun! I love how it sticks to her hand. :)