February 26, 2010

2 years....is that really possible?

Lilly's Birthday

It's hard to believe that two years have passed since we were heading to the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of our sweet Lilly. Last year I posted a blog about our birthing experience. You can read it here. You can also see her first year documented through this video. I'm still working on her 2nd year video and hopefully will have that finished soon.

2 Years old

February 19, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Lately the weather here has been crazy. Yesterday it was sunny and 50 and today it has been raining and snowing. For a brief period of time this morning it started snowing some of the biggest snowflakes I'd ever seen. Although Lilly hasn't been feeling well Mike couldn't stand the thought of not letting her go out and play for a bit. He actually had to convince me that exposure to the cold for a brief period of time wasn't going to make her any sicker and might actually lift her spirits. Once again, he was right. Lilly absolutely loves being outside and exploring new things and the snow is no exception.

February 11, 2010

First Haircut

Today Lilly had her first haircut. A friend recommended a salon here in town that specifically caters to kids. Although they did a great job on the actual haircut I was a little disappointed overall. I had asked the lady to save the first locks of hair (assuming that this was a typical request) and immediately she started cutting away as Lilly's hair fell to the floor piece by piece. It was a bit awkward to go around afterward picking up the pieces but I did manage to gather enough to display in her baby book. Not quite the experience I was hoping for but at least Lilly managed to walk out with a decent haircut.

The first snip.

Distracted by the car horn and lights.

Unsure of exactly what is going on.

Helping the lady comb my hair.

The final look.

February 8, 2010

Lilly has something to say...

Although most of you have already heard, I thought I'd go ahead and post an official announcement!