May 28, 2009

Family Pictures

Our friend Heather is such an amazing photographer. Her passion and dedication to her work is inspiring. Here are a few family pictures from our recent photo session.

May 24, 2009


This evening Mike had a pickle with his dinner so we decided to let Lilly try a bite. Let's just say that her reaction wasn't much of a surprise to either of us.

Recently Lilly has started enjoying her playtime independently in other rooms of the house. Today it was in her bedroom where she spent 45 minutes looking at her books and exploring her bookshelf.

May 20, 2009

Outdoor Fun

This week we have been spending the majority of our days outside. On Monday we played in the front yard and went to the park a couple of times, on Tuesday we met up with some friends at the Deanna Rose Farmstead and today we were back at the park. Amongst the memories that I seem to making each day with Lilly, it's hard to remember what life was like before she was here.

Playing in the front yard

Rose Farmstead

Lilly squealed with delight at the goats and enjoyed touching and petting them.

The park

Daddy got home from work in time to play at the park too.

Lilly's favorite thing to do at the park is swing. Today I ask ed her if she wanted to go to the park and she said "weeeeeee". I took that as a "yes"!

Lilly's first time down the slide.

May 18, 2009

Growing and changing

I think Lilly has changed more in the last few weeks then she has in the last several months combined. It seems like just over night her vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds. Today I asked her if she wanted to go to the park and instantly she said "go park". I also asked her where her "Chirpy Chick" book was and she crawled over to it, brought it back to my lap and then opened it to the first page waiting for me to start reading. It amazes me that not only can she repeat what I am saying but actually understands the meaning of the words.

I just love this time of year. It is so beautiful outside with the sun shining and the breeze blowing. You know summer is around the corner when you hear neighbors mowing and kids playing at the park in the middle of the afternoon.

May 13, 2009

Evening Routine

This evening I captured a few videos of Lilly during her evening routine. Mike typically gives Lilly her bath and gets her ready for bed but since he is out of town I received the honors. We had a lot of fun playing and Lilly is starting to do/say so many new things that just make me laugh. Again and again I am reminded of how much I love this little girl.

May 3, 2009

Arboretum and Botanical Garden

On Sunday evening we had the opportunity to hang out with our lifegroup at the Arboretum and Botanical Garden. The park is absolutely beautiful and we had a lot of fun watching the kids play and explore. Mike and I are truly blessed through the friendships we have made through our lifegroup and enjoy having peers to challenge and encourage us along life's journey.