I hope each of you are enjoying a wonderful Easter celebration with your family and friends. When I think of Easter I remember being a little girl growing up and the traditions we had...anxiously awaiting the Easter Bunny, new Easter clothes, attending Sunday school and church, gathering with family for Easter dinner, decorating and hunting for Easter eggs and of course eating the candy we found. Over the years I haven't forgotten those traditions but I've become more aware of the traditions I want to begin with my family. At the top of that list is "remembering the reason for the season". My hope for this year and the years to come is that all who gather around our table will not only know about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ but will also find a hope for eternal life. Now that's a reason to celebrate!!
A few years ago I wrote a poem for Easter and recently stumbled across it. I thought it would be appropriate to share on this Easter day!
All for Me
He came to earth to serve and teach,
Anyone he countered he tried to reach.
Many believed and became followers of Him,
Yet others were scared and began to condemn.
Word got out that he declared to be Christ,
Soon he was arrested and sentenced the price.
He was tortured and beaten then given a crown,
Never once said a word as the tears fell down.
A cross he was given to carry up the hill,
To quit or give up was against his will.
Once at the top he was nailed to the tree,
Then lifted up high for all to see.
Across the nation people heard of the news,
"This is Jesus, the King of the Jews".
While on the cross his last breath he did take,
Darkness fell down as the ground would shake.
The centurion shouted and dropped his rod,
"Surely he's the Son of the Living God".
His followers looked on as Mary did cry,
She knew it was for me that he had to die.
Down from the cross and into the grave,
Three lonely days he spent in the cave.
But lo and behold he came out of the tomb,
He rose from the grave to prepare us a room.
Through death and resurrection he's provided a way,
Today is the day just ask him to stay.